Ear-Training App Instructions


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The following tutorial is for the Level 6 Melodic Dictation app.
All melodic dictation and rhythmic dictation apps across levels 5 through 12 will follow the same format.
3) After making your selection (in this case, the "1" button) you are given directions. Press "Begin" to proceed.

4) This is the window which will be the Main Interface used when listening to the melodies (or rhythms).

The complete melody will play whenever this button is used.
Press this "Peek" button to see the notes for measures 1 & 2.
Press the "Answer" button to see the notes for the entire melody.
Press this "Peek" button to see the notes for measures 1 & 2.
"Menu" will take you to the window shown in step 1) of the instructions.
The Main Interface
2) A menu of numbered buttons appears which correspond to the numbered examples given in the book.
1) Choose "Assigned Melodies" if you wish to access the melodic dictation assignments given in the theory book.
The preparatory scale/arpeggio and metronome clicks will always play when this button is set to "on".

Set to "off" if you don't want to hear the preliminary scale/arpeggio and beats.
PDF version
"Next Melody" takes you to the next example on the list.